Who We Are
We are a philanthropic foundation, whose aim is to facilitate the spread of peace and harmony worldwide through cross-cultural dialogues using the medium of art and culture. Our ultimate goal being to transcend parochial boundaries and create space for appreciation of beauty in cultural diversity. We function as a promoter of arts and culture and as an information and support system to artists - Indian and international. By doing so, we play the role of cultural facilitators at a global level and provide artists with a platform to not just showcase but share all the cultural richness they have to offer with others.
Our Role and Rationale
Our role is simple - to provide a cross-cultural breeding ground for artists, both Indian and international. We do so to support, promote and grow artistic talent that often goes unnoticed due to socio-economic constraints or is exploited and crushed before it can see the light of day. Thus, to prevent artists from giving up on their unique talents, we offer them an information and support system.
When an artist approaches us with their work, we evaluate whether or not we have the resources to help hone and support their art. If we do, we draw out a plan to take their work forward on a larger global scale, backed by funding. In the cases where we see ourselves falling short on a front, we redirect them to another source who would be better suited to help support and take them forward.

We don’t just stop here though! The bigger picture of our mission is to ultimately transcend cultural boundaries and spark global chain reactions. This stems from our philosophy that when a society or nation’s culture and art are promoted in a foreign space, it opens up avenues within that sphere and others like trade and peace. Through our breeding ground, we plan to help artists and enthusiasts access the inter-continental pockets as torchbearers of not just their culture and art but also future possibilities of growth, prosperity, and peace!

Our Funding
Like any philanthropic foundation, we will initially be investing in and funding artists and their projects using our own resources. With time, however, we hope that our work to spread cross-cultural peace and harmony attracts contributors from both - private and public sectors, to help us grow and achieve greater heights!